f Through The Lens Of AMY: Yes, I need help!

Yes, I need help!

Who knows me, knows that I am not the type of person that ask for things. However, this time it is different, I need a little help for everybody.

1) Pray for me!! Please!!

2) Visit my small project:

For now that is it ... soon this list is gonna be big. hehe


************ I NEED REALLY NEED TO SAY AN ADDIONAL TKS !! *************

Marcos Barbosa, tks for believing in my work (mosaic below) even without knowing how it was supposed to be. The money you gave me for it is paying all the pictures I am giving to people - which means a lot of pictures!! Rs.

Tata, in my last night in Brazil you gave me an envelope with a "gift". I used half of it to pay the best hotel I stayed until now (maybe is gonna be the best hotel in the role trip .. rs) - Labadie in Haiti. The other half I will use in the right moment and I will let you know for sure.

Naty, you gave me a Christmas gift. I couldn't use it in the way I was planing. In the end it became: My Christmas dinner (fish in a local restaurant in front of the sea) + StandUp Paddle in Lake Victoria + Sunset Cruise in Lake Victoria&Nile River. Tks a lot!!! =D

Who supported me in my small project "Photos for a Cause", Again I need to say tks for being part of my trip. Without you, I could't do what We have done. =)


To all my friends, as you read here in this page .. I really need all the best wishes from everybody. Tks for praying for me!

my friend Anna @ Brazil